Tast entre vinyes: activitat d’enoturisme amb tast de 3 vins a peu de finca.
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Passos per reservar i comprar una experiència al nostre lloc web:
Tast entre vinyes i una experiència d’enoturisme exclusiva: Què millor que descobrir els vins DOQ Priorat des del lloc on tot comença? Gaudeix de la selecció de tres dels nostres vins distintius, rodeja’t de la bellesa natural d’aquest territori vitivinícola tan màgic com és el Priorat i coneix la nostra història. Una immersió sensorial que et transportarà al cor de Terres de Vidalba.
El nostre terreny: Som en una zona de muntanya i ens hi podem trobar dificultats per on trepitjar, però està pensada per a qualsevol persona que vulgui gaudir d’aquesta experiència. L’experiència està dissenyada per oferir-te una immersió completa en el nostre paisatge vitivinícola.
Calçat Adequat: És essencial portar calçat adequat per a caminar per terrenys irregulars. Unes bones sabates de muntanya o esportives seran ideals per garantir la teva comoditat i seguretat durant la caminada. Aconsellem també, portar protecció solar per la pell i/o un barret per protegir-nos dels sol, sobretot en temporada d’altes temperatures.
Accessibilitat: Si tens mobilitat reduïda, només cal que ens ho comuniquis. Ens esforcem per oferir una experiència inclusiva i podem adaptar certs aspectes de la visita per satisfer les teves necessitats. Es necessari avisar-nos amb antelació per poder adaptar-nos-hi.
Wine tourism activity aimed at groups of 6 to 12 people.
You can make the reservation through our website, by phone or by sending us an email to info-terresdevidalba.com. It is essential to make the reservation in advance, since we are a family winery and we combine the visits with all the tasks of the day to day. On weekends you can also visit it.
Children are welcome in our vineyard, but only those over 18 years of age can participate in wine tastings.
In the case of choosing the Trekkingwine option, minors only have to pay € 8.
The visits are mainly in Catalan or Spanish. If you need a visit in another language such as French, English or German please inform us in advance.
Each station has its charm. Winter transmits calm, peace and hope. Spring energy thanks to the greenness of the new psmpulos, also the temperatures are very pleasant. But many people find the harvest season, in late summer and early autumn, especially interesting.
Yes, we try to make our routes accessible to everyone. If you have any special needs, please inform us in advance so that we can adapt the visit.
Yes, after the visit, you can buy our wines directly in the winery at a special price. We can also get it home if you prefer not to load at this time.
Pets are welcome in our vineyards. Please inform us in advance if you intend to take your pet.
We recommend wearing comfortable clothes and footwear suitable for walking on irregular terrain. If you visit summer, don’t forget to wear sun protection and a hat, you’ll appreciate it!
The Trekkingwine route includes an aigüera with local products. For other food options, please consult in advance, as we can look for various options in the area.
Yes, it is. It is allowed to take all the photographs you want during the visit to capture your special moments. We would love you to share your experiences on social networks and label us.
Envíanos tus datos y nuestro equipo de enoturismo se encargara del resto
Envíanos tus datos y nuestro equipo de enoturismo se encargara del resto